Wind Farm
The Cabo Leones I wind farm is situated in Freirina, Huasco Province, in the Atacama region.
The Cabo Leones I wind farm holds an installed capacity of 115.5 MW with a generation capacity of renewable energy of approx. 367 GWh per year, enough for the annual supply of 175,000 households, avoiding the emission of 350,000 tons of CO2. Annual generation amounts to 3,420 net hours.
The wind farm consists of 55 Siemens Gamesa 2.1 MW turbines. The selected model takes advantage of the site’s wind conditions. The tower has a total height of 80 meters and the rotors have a 114-meter diameter. This high reliability proven technology has already been deployed in more than 30 countries.
The energy generated by the turbines is carried through subterranean 33 kV cables towards the 33/220 kV “Cabo Leones” substation located on the site. It connects to the grid at SET Maitencillo (220 kV) thanks to a 110-kilometer high voltage line.
Cabo Leones I significatively contributes to the 3rd region energy mix adding clean and renewable generation.
This wind farm representing a USD 180 million inversion is relevant in terms of local employment and wealth creation, and perfectly in line with the Chilean state’s vision to promote clean and renewable projects in favor of the country’s energy transition.